Sunday of the Paralytic Man

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
4th Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Paralytic
April 21, 2024

Sat   4/20/24 4:000pm Vigil Divine Liturgy +John R Prokopchak by John R Prokopchak family
Sun   4/21/24 9:30am Divine Liturgy
Tue   4/23/24 9:30am Divine Liturgy     The Holy Great-Martyr George
Wed   4/24/24 7:00pm Liturgy for Healing
Fri   4/26/24 7:00pm Resurrection Matins
Sat   4/27/24 4:00pm Vigil Divine Liturgy +Mary and +Steve Varva by Drew Moniot
Sun   4/28/24 9:30am Divine Liturgy

Variable Parts   Sunday of the Paralytic - Festal Tone Pages 181- 183
Epistle    Acts 9:32-42
Gospel     John 5:1-15

Memorial Candle Request - No Candle Request

Epistle Readers 20-Apr Annabelle Bistransin   21-Apr Shari Allen 27-Apr Mary Troyan 28-Apr Eva Babick

Please Pray for: Abbot Leo, Fr. Michael Huszti, Teresa Milkovich, Robert Saper, Doloras Halahurich, Anna Habil, Martha Sapar, Marilyn Popik-King, Mike Dancisin, Karen Smaretsky Vavro, Diane Sotak, Anna Pocchiari, Larry Hamil, Beverly Jones, Marilyn Book & Maryann Russin Schyvers.

Attendance: 4/13 — 23, 4/14 — 72; Collection: 4/13/24 & 4/14/24 - $2,132.00

Gibsonia Schedule
Sun   4/21/24 11:30am Divine Liturgy 4th Sunday of Pascha
Tue   4/23/24 7:00pm Divine Liturgy
Sun   4/28/24 11:30am Divine Liturgy 5th Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

Congratulations to the Newly Chrismated: Congratulations to Maximilian, Faustina and Bernadette Hepler who received the sacrament of Chrismation two weeks ago on April 7th,

Thank You: Many thanks to those who donated salads and prizes for the salad bingo. Thanks also to those who contributed in countless other ways to make the event a success. We made $2,880.00.

Ladies Guild Banquet: The lady's guild will be holding their banquet on May 9th  Help us to supply and furnish St. Anna Junior college for girls in India in cooperation with Amazing Grace store in Evans city. A school supply for one girl is 15$. They plan to welcome 100 girls beginning June 2024. You can donate at https: If paying by check, please make payble to: Abode for Children; 230E. Main St. Evans City, PA 16033 If you have any question please call 724-583-5700

GOSPAL MISSIONS RETREAT: Navigating Troubled Times - The Two Pillars: Our Lady & The Eucharist; Saturday, August 3, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm; Registration, Breakfast, & Confession start at 7:30 am ; Location: HIGHFIELD COMMUNITY CENTER; 229 Highfield Road; Butler, PA 16001

Saint of the week: The Holy Great Martyr George, was a native of Cappadocia, and he grew up in a deeply believing Christian family. His father was martyred for Christ when George was still a child. His mother, owning lands in Palestine, moved there with her son and raised him in strict piety. When he became a man, St George entered into the service of the Roman army. He was handsome, brave and valiant in battle, and he came to the notice of the emperor Diocletian (284-305) and joined the imperial guard with the rank of comities, or military commander. The pagan emperor was clearly concerned with the danger presented to pagan civilization by the triumph of the Crucified Savior, and intensified his persecution against the Christians. Following the advice of the Senate at Nicomedia, Diocletian gave all his governors full freedom in their court proceedings against Christians. St George, when he heard the decision of the emperor, distributed all his wealth to the poor, freed his servants, and then appeared in the Senate. The brave soldier of Christ spoke out openly against the emperor's designs, confessed himself a Christian, and appealed to all to acknowledge Christ: "I am a servant of Christ, my God, and trusting in Him, I have come among you voluntarily, to bear witness concerning the Truth." "What is Truth?" one of the dignitaries asked, echoing the question of Pontius Pilate. The saint replied, "Christ Himself Whom you persecuted, is Truth." Stunned by the bold speech of the valiant warrior, the emperor, who had loved and promoted George, attempted to persuade him not to throw away his youth and glory and honors, but rather to offer sacrifice to the gods as was the Roman custom. The confessor replied, "Nothing in this inconstant life can weaken my resolve to serve God"

Then by order of the enraged emperor the armed guards began to push St George out of the assembly hall with their spears, and they then led him off to prison. But the deadly steel became soft and it bent, just as the spears touched the saint's body, and it caused him no harm. In prison they put the martyr's feet in stocks and placed a heavy stone on his chest. Jesus appered to Him and St. George was healed. Next day when the soldiers led him to the pagan temple where the emperor was, the emperor could not believe his own eyes and he thought that he saw before him some other man or even a ghost. The emperor became even more furious; he gave St. George over to new and fiercesome torments. After throwing him into a deep pit, they covered it over with lime. Three days later they dug him out, but found him cheerful and unharmed. They shod the saint in iron sandals with red-hot nails, and then drove him back to the prison with whips. In the morning, they led him back to the interrogation, cheerful and with healed feet, and the emperor asked if he liked his shoes. The saint said that the sandals had been just his size. Then they beat him with ox thongs until pieces of his flesh came off and his blood soaked the ground. The emperor concluded that the saint was being helped by magic, so he summoned the sorcerer Athanasius to deprive the saint of his miraculous powers, or else poison him. The sorcerer gave St George two goblets containing drugs. One of them would have quieted him, and the other would kill him. The drugs had no effect, and the saint continued to denounce the pagan superstitions and glorify God as before. When the emperor asked what sort of power was helping him, St George said, "Do not imagine that it is any human learning which keeps me from being harmed by these torments. I am saved only by calling upon Christ and His Power. Whoever believes in Him has no regard for tortures and is able to do the things that Christ did" (John 14:12). Diocletian immediately pronounced the death sentence on the George. At the place of execution the saint prayed that the Lord would forgive the torturers who acted in ignorance, and that He would lead them to the knowledge of Truth. Calmly and bravely, the holy Martyr bent his neck beneath the sword, receiving the crown of martyrdom on April 23, 303. The pagan era was coming to an end, and Christianity was about to triumph.

BRUSSELS — EU. Belgium's highest court ruled that a conference upholding conservative values in the public square could go ahead in the country's capital after a Brussels mayor had ordered police to shut it down. A Mayor Emir Kir issued the order to halt the National Conservatism conference which featured among its speakers the Vatican's former doctrinal chief, Cardinal Gerhard Muller. Police surrounded the venue on Tuesday, denying access to speakers and guests. A mayor Kir said he took the decision because the conference's vision "is not only ethically conservative (e.g. hostility to the legislation of abortion, same-sex unions etc.) but also focused on the defense of 'national sovereignty,' which implies among other things, a Eurosceptic attitude." His order also stated that some of the speakers "are reputed to be traditionalists" and that the conference must be banned "to avoid foreseeable attacks on public order and peace." Cardinal Milller told that the attempt to shut down the conference was "like Nazi Germany" and that the authorities were acting "like the SA" — Hitler's brownshirts who used violence and intimidation against opponents" It reminds me FBI decision concerning Catholic, from the catholic news agency


Sunday of the Samaritan Woman


Sunday of the Myrrh Bearing Women